In 2003, I became a Reiki Master. At that time I was fully prepared to teach Reiki level 1 and 2 classes. For many years, I taught infrequently. However, in the last three years my focus has become teaching. In many ways I feel like the “Master” in my title has been achieved because I have more years of experience practicing Reiki on myself and others. Also, I have grown closer to my true calling.
Before I discovered Reiki, my goal was to become a teacher at the university level. I wanted to teach Philosophy. That journey was filled with obstacles and the opportunities in the liberal arts were narrowing, so I decided to redirect my focus. This didn’t lead me directly to Reiki — stress, a quest for relaxation, and an unexplainable interest led me to Reiki! In its own beautiful way, Reiki has led me back to that original desire to teach. I love teaching! The process of sharing my knowledge and facilitating the learning of my students fills me with joy.
Teaching Reiki not only fulfills my heart’s desires but it places Reiki in the hands of others — literally. By teaching others to be Reiki Practitioners who practice on themselves and others, I am passing along the ability to access universal life-force energy for the highest healing good. After I teach a class, students continue their own practice in their own way. Receiving and offering Reiki will continue to be part of each student’s practice. I support my students through monthly Reiki Clinics and remain available to them for sessions and ongoing support of their practice and their Reiki journey. The beauty of this is that it is a win-win situation for all. I put my focus on my heart’s desire: teaching, rather than solely on offering Reiki sessions, and my students learn Reiki — a hands-on healing modality that they’ll have for the rest of their lives.
More information on Reiki Classes can be found here. For additional details, please email me!
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Janice, you are a gifted, humble teacher! It is a blessing to study with you. 🙂
Thank you for the compliment, Lurana. I am grateful to have you in my life! You are a dedicated student and skillful Reiki Practitioner!
Thank you. 🙂