My family received so many wonderful cards this holiday season that I enjoyed reading and re-reading. There was one card, however, that really stood out for me personally. It was from the Wellness House in Hinsdale, Illinois, where I offer Reiki sessions to cancer patients and their families. Here is the story that was inside the card:
“It was November 22, 2013 when the snowstorm hit . . . CANCER
It stopped me hard and fast along my journey.
I was blinded by the frosty winds of this unprejudiced disease.
But, YOU gave me a compass that guided me to find a new path, albeit untrodden.
The heavy snowy blanket of pain and fright suffocated me.
YOU lifted it; helped me breathe and embraced me with a warm coat lined with comfort and peace.
My boot, no longer fitting me, left me motionless and frozen.
YOU gave me new ones, providing me with strength and purpose once more.
My hands were frostbitten, as the gloves I once wore were now tattered from anxiety and bewilderment.
YOU mended them and with your healing touch, you restored my hands so that I may heal again.
YOU are Wellness House.
But what is Wellness? WEllness is having a healthy life encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
What a perfect name for such a special place; and it is because of this special place that I was able to be truly present with my children and family during this snapshot of my journey. Those of us entering the Wellness House may have had cancer, but it does NOT have us. We enter through these healing doors fragmented and we leave whole once again.” by Gaile Sabaliauskas
With my offerings of Reiki, it is an honor and a privilege to be part of helping each person who I encounter at the Wellness House feel whole once again.
Wishing you all love, light, peace, and wholeness!