I’ve finally come to realize that this is my intention for 2014: Love First. On the surface it seems so simple and easy. My mind says, “Of course, love first. No problem,” but to put this into practice is another matter entirely. This is not easy in the face of many other things that my mind and ego want to go first, for instance:
- Be right first
- Be angry first, especially when others don’t acknowledge that I am right!
- Be heard first
- Be judgmental first
- Be self-righteous first
- Be better than others first
- Be fearful first
- Be protective first
- Be selfish first
- Just be first . . .
Now, what happens when I love first? I’ve noticed when I love first I release my anger. When I love first, I move past small injuries to my ego and see the light and love in the other person’s being. This has been working really well with my family and can be helpful in other settings where I feel safe and able to open in this way. Loving first is incredibly powerful in all settings, however, for finding the right words. When speaking in a loving way, my words are more mindful and, in general, I listen in a more profound way.
For this Valentine’s Day, I wish you the strength and resolve to love first. So I am replacing the above list with the following:
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Love first
- Just be loving
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