It has been awhile . . . How can it be that every nook and cranny of time gets filled up? Every ounce of energy gets sapped?

I worry about time a lot. Do you? I worry that I’ll be late for the train, a meeting, an appointment, church, or picking up my daughter. You name it I’ve probably been late for it at least once. For some things I am so rarely on time that I’m sure people are shocked when I arrive at the allotted time.
I worry that I hurt some people by my lateness. Am I late all the time because I don’t respect them or their time? I don’t think so. I’m just trying to do so much. And guess what? That is not working.
A recent Kripalu blog entry reminded us to keep weekend time for relaxing and rejuvenating. Really? How does that work? If you work during the week, the weekends are for all the fun and all the housework that doesn’t get done during the week. If you leave the house at 7 a.m., arrive home at 7 p.m. and the evening is for dinner, dishes and family time (and hopefully at least 7 hours of sleep) how is there any time to participate in activities for fun, to do laundry or clean or run errands?
I’m sure I’m not alone in this and I know other people are busier than me, but how do we stop being so busy and still meet our responsibilities? In the same way that everyone hates their corporate job but so few find a way to leave it; so many of us are overly busy and can’t find a way to stop.
I found this article by Toni Bernhard : to be very helpful. I notice that I often employ the “double the time” trick in some settings, especially those where I recognize the task is complicated, new, or vaguely defined. However, if it is a task I’ve done often or I consider simply, I usually grossly underestimate the time it will take to accomplish it.
Is it possible for me to double the time allotted to get to the train in the morning? Or is it possible for me to do less? How do I do less so I can be on time more? How do I do less so I can do more of what I like and love to do? There must be a way. Right now, I’m asking my wise self for direction and I welcome your thoughts in the comments section.
Wishing you love and light and moments of stillness!
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