Reflecting on Reiki and its physical sensations during this time of isolation. May you all be well. Sending Reiki to you daily.

After a Reiki session my client said to me, “How do you do that? It felt like you had a thousand hands. I knew that you had moved and yet it felt like your hands remained where you had been touching me before. How could it be that I felt your hands – like 1000 hands?!”
Many clients have told me the same thing, especially after I move from the ankle hand position, that the sensation of my hands remain long after I’ve moved to the next position. And when I have received a Reiki session, I often have the same experience. I know that the practitioner is no longer standing by feet, for example, however, I feel that they are still there.
What causes this 1000 hands sensation?
We are energetic beings. When we connect to Reiki energy during a session, our energetic bodies continue to draw on the energy of the universe even after the practitioner’s hands have moved on to another part of the body.
I have heard some practitioners explain it differently. They say that there are other beings present in the room who “take over” offering the Reiki as the practitioner moves on to another hand position. Though I don’t fully reject the possibility of that (and I often imagine the loving presence, during a Reiki session, of my teacher, Libby Barnett and the lineage of teachers before her) I think that something else is going on.
I think something unembodied is at play.
It is indeed the invisible energetic force – Reiki — that is being accessed by the recipient and that continues to be drawn upon even after the physical hands of the practitioner are moved.
To explain it through angels or spirit guides continues the belief and perception that hands, or touch, are necessary for the transmission of Reiki energy. Indeed, that is not the case as is evidenced by the effective use of absent or distance Reiki.
So the next time you’re in a Reiki session, [my hope is that this is not too far in the future] sink deeply into the table, feel the support of the earth, connect with universal life force energy, and your soul’s highest intention and perhaps you’ll feel the 1000 hands. If not, know that Reiki is there for you and always presented for your highest healing good.
What’s your experience with the 1000 hands of Reiki? Please share your experience in the comments below.
Please know that I continue to send daily Reiki for healing and peace for you and wider world.