Like many Reiki Practitioners I have studied meditation for many years and have received excellent instruction. In a meditation or yoga class, there is often a direction around observing our emotions. As we do this observation, we notice that emotions arise and fall away. For me, I was observing the negative emotions, e.g., anger, anxiety, resentment.

However, recently I had the opportunity to observe my positive emotions arise and fall away. My family and I spent a long weekend at a waterpark. It was a weekend filled with fun, laughs, lots of physical exertion and challenges to my feelings of safety. I left the waterpark filled with feelings of enjoyment and happiness. After arriving home, waking the next morning and commuting to work, those feelings had fallen away. I missed them and mourned their passing. I wanted to hold onto them and puzzled over why they had left. Then I remembered the words of my meditation teachers, “Emotions arise and fall away.” Now, I understood from an experience that was closely observed that this was true for positive emotions too.
So I invite you to observe your emotions in moments of their heightenedness and their everydayness. You can do this through meditation, your Reiki practice, your relationships and your beingness.
Wishing you love, light and the companionship of your emotions.