My Reiki teachers, Libby Barnett and Maggie Babb, taught me in the most traditional way as they are very close to the lineage that brought Reiki to the United States. In our training we always emphasize that the mind does not control Reiki.
Often new Reiki practitioners will be concerned that their mental state, of anger, sadness, or anxiety, could negatively impact a Reiki session. However, Reiki is a one-way street. We OFFER Reiki. It is up to the recipient and his/her body and spirit to take in and use Reiki as needed and desired. Reiki cannot overwhelm the recipient and it cannot be controlled by the mind. Though, intention setting can be a very powerful ally.
While a Reiki practitioner is offering Reiki, her/his mind needs to be engaged. Setting an intention that becomes a sort of mantra for the practitioner can be very beneficial for her/his experience of the session. This should not be confused however, with being in control of the Reiki or of the recipient’s energy. We offer. We do Reiki and notice. We do not diagnose. We do not manipulate. We offer Reiki for the highest healing good.
Is setting an intention helpful? Yes, it is helpful for our monkey minds that so desperately need something to DO. It can also provide focus for the recipient’s mind. However, again, the recipients mind will not control the Reiki. The Reiki will go where it is needed most.
This approach to Reiki recognizes the power of the universe. It is an approach that acknowledges the Reiki practitioner’s role as a conduit. The Reiki channels through me to the recipient.
Many have difficulty accepting this and feel that they should be “doing” more during a Reiki session. However, this is unnecessary. The power of the universe, of universal life force energy, is being presented through your attuned hands. Have faith and confidence that, as with your intention, it is presented for the highest healing good and will yield exactly that.
Be well my friends and trust in the universe. Align yourself with the light.
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