Yes! Reiki works!
The Wellness House in Hinsdale Illinois has been surveying program participants about how they feel before and after healing sessions. (Healing sessions include Reiki, Massage, Healing Touch and CranioSacral therapy.) The overall demographic of the participants was: 85%+ Female and 91%+ Cancer Patients in active treatment. The participants reported the following results after their healing session:
- Stress: decreased by 60%
- Pain: decreased by 55%
- Anxiety: decreased by 72%
- Mood: improved by 45%
- Relaxation: increased by 60%
For 40% of the participants this was their first healing session at the Wellness House.
What is your experience after a Reiki session? Is your mood elevated? Are you more relaxed and less anxious? If you’re a Reiki practitioner is the experience different for you after self-Reiki than when Reiki is offered to you by others? Please share your Reiki experiences in the comments!
Wishing you abundant love and light!
Janice Lodato, MA, RMT
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